Edwarpedia Wiki

"RomenPolski" is a relatively new enemy of Edwart who first surfaced in late 2010. He claims to be the real "Edwart Culen" and also claims that the Edwart we know today is an impostor named Roman Polanski.

Claims that Edwart stole his YouTube channel[]

On December 29, 2010, RomenPolski posted a video claiming to be the original owner of Edwart's channel and his DeviantArt drawings. He claims that the person we know as Edwart is an impostor and that he is the true Edwart Culen.


On January 15, 2011, the real Edwart supposedly committed suicide via overdose due to his grief over the stolen drawings. The RomenPolski channel on YouTube remained inactive for about a month before Sora, the real Edwart's brother, took over the account and swore revenge on Edwart.
